Postgraduate Studies on Insurance Medicine and Medical Examination at the Medical University of Warsaw
In the recent years, Postgraduate Training Centre of the Medical University with the cooperation with the Polish Association of Insurance Medicine has organised subsequent editions of Postgraduate Studies on Insurance Medicine and Medical Examination.
Classes are conducted by a team of experts from the Polish Association of Insurance Medicine, whereas the lectures on Medical Examination are realised by the specialists from the Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) and the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego). In the 5th edition of the Studies the programme was expanded to include „Medical Law” thematic block lead by dr Małgorzata Serwach.
Studies are addressed particularly to physicians regardless of their professional experience and specialty and insurance sector employees dealing with the issues of risk assessment and damage claims.
The aim of the Studies is providing theoretical and practical tools necessary to operate in the commercial insurance enterprises and pass on knowledge and skills on insurance risk assessment, evaluation of impact of insurance undertakings and correct certification of permanent disability and incapability to work. These Studies are realized according to European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System which allows for point-based evaluation of required workload.
Please keep in mind that the Graduates are awarded a Medical University of Warsaw degree.
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System allows assessment of student’s workload necessary for completion of a given course. ECTS points are allocated to the course. Number of ECTS necessary for course completion depends on the student’s workload.
Completion of a full academic year results in granting 30 ECTS credits.