7th National Polish Conference of PTOL (Polish Association of Medical Certification) and PAIM

Organized by: Polish Association of Medical Certification (PTOL), Polish Association of Insurance Medicine (PAIM), Public Health School, Medical Postgraduate Training Centre (CMKP)
Place: Centrum Medycznego Kształcenia Podyplomowego, ul. Marymoncka 99, Warszawa
Date: 26th – 27yh of June 2013


We would like to invite you to take part in the 7th Conference of PTOL. The conference is going to cover the topics concerning medical certification. The participants of the 7th Conference will be able not only to broaden their knowledge on this topic while listening to the speeches, but also to discuss the topics behind the scenes.

Main topics:

  • the role of medical certification in social security system (SII, ASIF, MOD, MOIAA, MOSPAL),
  • social security in inability to independent existence,
  • disability, incapability to work or service, inability to independent existence – certification challenges,
  • ICF – implementation in medical certification,
  • medical cerification in commercial insurance.

We would like you to feel welcome and wish you a pleasant stay,
Organising Committee


Honorary Committee

Jolanta Fedak
Labour and Social Policy Minister

Ewa Kopacz
Minister of Health

Mieczysław Augustyn
Head of the Senate Social Policy and Family Affairs Commission

Sławomir Piechota
Head of the Seym Social Policy and Family Affairs Commission

Władysław Sidorowicz
Head of the Senate Health Commission

Jarosław Duda
Secretary of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, The Government Plenipotentiary or Disabled Persons’ Affairs

Jan Grzegorz Prądzyński
President of Polish Insurance Association

Sylwester Rypiński
President of the Social Insurance Institution

Henryk Smolarz
President of the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund

Joanna Jędrzejczak
Head of the Medical Postgraduate Training Centre

Irena Walecka
Head of the Department of Health in the Ministry of Interior and Administration

Andrzej Wiśniewski
Chief of the Military Health Service Inspectorate

Kazimierz Gilarski
Warsaw Garrison Commander


Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr hab. med. Anna Wilmowska-Pietruszyńska

Prof. Dr hab. med. Piotr Zaborowski

Prof. Dr hab. med. Jerzy T. Marcinkowski

Prof. Dr hab. med. Ludmiła Waszkiewicz

Prof. Dr hab. med. Zygmunt Stęplewski

Dr hab. med. Dionizy Bilski


Organising Committee

Beata Zub-Karpik, Robert Staniszewski, Dariusz Lachman, Robert Witek, Wacław Żukowski, Piotr Daniluk



  Friday, June 26th, 2009
11.00 – 11.30 opening address
11.30 – 12.00 Plenary Session
30 min. Gertruda Uścińska Coordination of social security system in the European Union. Problems of benefits for disabled
12.00 – 13.00 Session I
20 min. Mieczysław Augustyn Confirmation of reliance in social security system concerning persons considered unable to exist independently
20 min. Anna Wilmowska Health status of the Polish population. Disability and reliance of care
20 min. Piotr Błędowski Long-term care. Present reality and perspectives for change
13.00 – 13.45 lunch
13.45 – 14.45 Session II
20 min. Leszek Sikorski Implementation of ICF in Poland. Present situation and perspectives
20 min. Dionizy Bilski, Anna Wilmowska, Elżbieta Bobiatyńska, Zofia Gronowska Attempt of ICF implementation to measure the level of disability
20 min. Jacek Skrzyński Prognosis factors in certification of reliance. Difficulties in ICF coding system
14.45 – 16.00 Session III
15 min. Jerzy T. Marcinkowski Difficulties in medico-legal assessment of chronic back pain syndrome cases in the light of occupational accidents
15 min. Robert Staniszewski Perspective of a medical examiner on bronchial asthma
15 min. Jerzy T. Marcinkowski Difficulties in medico-legal assessment in psychological stress cases in the light of occupational accidents
15 min. Paweł Rościszewski Incapacity to work in patients with lower limb ischaemia
15 min. Jerzy T. Marcinkowski, Aneta Klimberg Cases of lawsuits for damages due to health impairment resulting from electro-magnetic radiation from the mobile telephony transmitters
16.00 – 16.15 coffee break
16.15 – 17.45 Session IV
10 min. Krzysztof Grzyliński Introduction
15 min. Piotr Daniluk Major exeptions in private sector insurance assessment
20 min. Ryszard Domański Chosen aspects of naming and defining phenomena included in insurance
20 min. Ryszard Domański Standardization of medical examination in health impairment resulting from a personal accident
20 min. Michał Brodzki Preliminary results of new medical protocol implementation concerning medical examination of a lower limbs trauma assessment
10 min. discussion
19.30 social meeting
  Saturday, June 27th, 2009
09.00 – 10.00 Session V
15 min. Tomasz Zyss, Andrzej Zięba Characteristics of psychiatric examination in social insurance benefits assessment
15 min. Tomasz Zyss, Andrzej Zięba Certification of incapacity to work in agricultural enterprise due to psychiatric reasons
15 min. Jerzy Pobocha Most common mistakes in psychiatric assessment and certification
15 min. Ewa Zięba-Rydzyk, Agnieszka Karpiel Diagnostics and therapy of psychosomatic disorders
10.00 – 10.45 Session VI
25 min. Stanisława Golinowska Definitions of disability, incapacity to work or service or reliance in different certification systems
20 min. Dionizy Bilski The need to change the law of pensions and social security benefits from 17th of December 1998 in the part concerning medical assessment – the question?
10.45 – 11.00 coffee break
11.00 – 12.45 Session VI – warsztaty
Chair: Ryszard Domański, Wojciech Wynimko
20 min. Elżbieta Tatar Assessment of neurological consequences of trauma
20 min. Wojciech Wynimko Personal accident vs occupational accident – differences in definition and the scope of responsibility. Case study
30 min. Dominik Sikorski Implementation of confirmation standards according to Social Insurance Institution and PIA/PAIM tables in work of court medical expert
12.45 – 13.00 conclusions and conference closing