Conference "Life insurance in the developing market"
Organized by: PTMU
Place: Marriott Hotel, Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79, Warsaw
Date: 31st of March 1999
Scientific committee
Prof. Ryszard Andrzejak
Head of Department and Faculty of Internal and Occupational Diseases of Medical Academy in Wrocław
Prof. Eugeniusz Stroiński
Dean of Higher School of Insurance and Banking in Warsaw
Prof. Piotr Zaborowski
Department of Hepatology and Acquired Immunodeficiency of the Institute of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Medical Academy in Warsaw
Prof. Witold Zatoński
Head of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Division in Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Warsaw
Organising Committee
President: Dr Krzysztof Grzyliński
Members: Dr Michał Brodzki, Dr Piotr Daniluk, Dr Barbara Godlewska-Jurczak, Dr Krzysztof Hoszowski, Dr Arkadiusz Lipka, Dr Jerzy Nowak, Barbara Perzyńska, Dr Tadeusz Zielonka
Wednesday, March 31st, 1999 | |
08.30 |
opening address PAIM President, Dr Krzysztof Grzyliński |
08.50 – 10.10 |
Session I Chair: Danuta Wałcerz, Prof. Ryszard Andrzejak |
Prof. Witold Zatoński Changes in health status of Polish population in recent years | |
Prof. Eugeniusz Stroiński Chosen economic aspects of uderwriting | |
Prof. Piotr Zaborowski Risk estimation and prognosis. How much science and art is involved? | |
10.30 – 12.00 |
Session II Chair: Prof. Witold Zatoński, Dr Zuzanna Guzel |
Dr Jurgen Becher Medical progress and its impact on underwriting - looking back 80 years in Munich Re experience | |
Dr Jan von Overbeck Genetics and the insurance industry | |
Wolfgang Wilsch ERC Frankona's new "Bonus - Malus" System. A new approach to perferred risk underwriting | |
12.20 – 14.00 |
Session III Chair: Prof. Piotr Zaborowski, Dr Krzysztof Hoszowski |
Dr Ludwik Brodzki Analysis of death causes and risk evaluation in individual insurance | |
Dr Arkadiusz Lipka Health risk factors in accidental death benefits. Outline of trends | |
Dr Piotr Daniluk Benefits resulting from proper risk evaluation in life insurance | |
Dr Ryszard Domański Insurance frauds - undue benefitis in a legal, medical and financial aspect | |
Dr Tadeusz Zielonka Professional secrecy in medicine and the activity of insurance companies | |
14:00 | winding up of the conference |